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Effectively Heal Peripheral Neuropathy

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How are we able to Treat Peripheral Neuropathy

Peripheral Neuropathy is in which the nerves of the brain and spinal cord are damaged or diseased. Peripheral nerves make an entire network within the body i.e. from brain and spinal cord to muscles, skin and internal organs. All these nerves are arranged along lines known as dermatomes. In Peripheral Neuropathy, these dermatomes are damaged which then interrupts the communication between the brain and other parts of the body and causes symptoms like impaired muscle movement, preventing normal sensation in arms and legs, which cause pain.

According to Ayurveda, Peripheral Neuropathy is caused due to vitiation of Vata Dosha. This suggests two conditions; either there is excess of Vata dosha or depressed Vata dosha. So, either the Vata accumulates or stops the movement which hampers the signaling of neurons. So, if Vata is depressed, the person is unable to feel any touch nor is able to reflect on their actions. Similarly, when Vata dosha is in excess, there is overexpression of any senses. This leads to Peripheral Neuropathy.

Ayurveda believes in rectifying the root cause of disease and here it is vitiation of doshas. The target of treatment for Peripheral Neuropathy in Ayurveda is to stop the further decay of myelin sheath and to help the myelin sheath reconstruction. This is done by first eliminating all the toxins at cellular level from the body via panchakarma procedures. Further Ayurvedic formulations are provided to stabilize the doshas. Moreover, stress also plays a major role during Ayurvedic treatments, which is cured by yoga and meditation. This line of treatment helps in reversing Peripheral Neuropathy in a holistic way.

Our Peripheral Neuropathy
Treatment Highlights

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We strive to enhance the quality of medicines to give you the holistic benefit of latest in treatment knowledge and optimally potent herbal medicines.

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Effectively Treat Peripheral Neuropathy With a Lasting Remission Phase. With Visible Results in 30 Days

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Accredited Member of National Psoriasis Foundation® & Awarded Clinic For "Best Ayurveda Centre For Skin & Endocrine Treatments In India"

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Continous research and development for more precise treatment techniques as well as herbal medicines for both Prevention & Cure

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Well Known Figures like Dr. Adil Moulanchikkal & Dr. Soumya Hullannavar in Ayurveda Fraternity as part of our Lead Specialists Panel

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Personalised for Changes on a Deeper Level that will have a Long-Lasting Impact on your Health

Peripheral Neuropathy Treatment, Naturally -

Every person is unique, hence treatment for the person’s disease must be unique too.
No Over-The-Counter Medication. Unique Customised Proprietary Herbal Medicines

Root Cause Treatment

“The ayurvedic approach of disease looks for the root cause and not merely the symptoms. The basic principles of Ayurveda consider an individual human a specific identity and hence his treatment giving importance to the treatment of the patient rather than the treatment of the disease.”

Wisdom of Ayurveda

“Since Ayurveda focuses on the root-cause of the disease, it effectively reduces the risk of severe health complications arising out of the untreated underlying cause. Patients who complete their Ayurveda treatment have a reduced risk of health complications later.”

More Than Just Medicines

"Heal your body naturally with 5000-year-old knowledge of Ayurveda and Modern Science. From its authenticity, structured approach and personalisation play a very important role in complementing the effect of medicines as well as sustaining the benefit of treatment after the medicines have ended."

Understand how we can help you with Peripheral Neuropathy

Peripheral Neuropathy

The Vata dosha is at the root of neuropathy in Ayurveda. This might indicate either an overabundance of Vata dosha or a lack of expression of Vata activity. In both cases, we might state that Vata is out of equilibrium in the body. Vata's principle is activity. It is not a healthy state when this activity manifests as tremors. Similarly, when the movement abruptly ceases, this is not a condition. In one situation, it's a matter of exaggeration. It's a depressing activity.
Touch sensation is a Vata Dosha action. When nothing is contacting the skin, however, the skin perceives that something is present. Overexpression of the Vata causes a sense as if you're wearing a glove or shocks. This starts the manifestation of neuropathic changes. There is no such thing as an illness caused by a single dosha. Every sickness involves all of the doshas in equal measure. Kapha and Pitta are both implicated in this type of neuropathy.
The Pitta Dosha cannot be the cause of the burning feeling. Similarly, numbness is impossible to experience without Kapha Dosha. Both of these disorders can be found in people who have neuropathy. As a result, this isn't about the Vata dosha. All three doshas must be in equilibrium.
When we say depressed Vata, we're referring to Pitta or Kapha expressing themselves more. This is the explanation, notwithstanding Vata dosha usual conduct. Numbness and heat are experienced by Kapha and Pitta.

Types of Peripheral neuropathy

  • Motor neuropathy: In this condition, the nerves of muscles and body movements are damaged. This hinders the actions of hands and legs.
  • Sensory neuropathy: In this condition the sensory nerves are damaged, which makes a person unresponsive to touch and temperature.
  • Autonomic nerve neuropathy: In this condition the activities like breathing and heartbeat are hampered seriously.
  • Combination neuropathies: In this condition, two or more types of neuropathies are combined, which worsens the condition.


The principle of cause and effect is important in Ayurveda. You can't treat the effect until the source is fixed. However, most neuropathy treatment approaches continue to be in the other direction. The key worry is that the indications and symptoms will fade away.

You're in pain and reach for a neuropathic pain reliever. If you're experiencing numbness, take that vitamin. However, these compounds have their own set of limitations. Chemicals can assist for a shorter period of time. However, the diseases cannot be reversed.

Ayurveda emphasizes the need of restoring normal physiological functions.

The same strategy is effective in the treatment of neuropathy. The treatment's goal is to:

  • To prevent the myelin sheath from deteriorating further.
  • To aid in the rebuilding of the myelin sheath.

Frequently Asked Questions

Our Treatment is a unique customised program. Here are some of the most common questions
patients ask about the program.

Peripheral Neuropathy is in which the nerves of the brain and spinal cord are damaged or diseased. Peripheral nerves make an entire network within the body i.e. from brain and spinal cord to muscles, skin and internal organs. All these nerves are arranged along lines known as dermatomes. In Peripheral Neuropathy, these dermatomes are damaged which then interrupts the communication between the brain and other parts of the body and causes symptoms like impaired muscle movement, preventing normal sensation in arms and legs, which cause pain.

Excessive intake of alcohol, low levels of vitamin B12, physical damage to nerves, damage to nerves during surgery, underactive thyroid glands, infections like shingles, lyme disease, diphtheria, HIV, etc.; inflammation of blood vessels, chronic liver disease. Cancer, autoimmune diseases like lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, etc. are all the causes responsible for peripheral neuropathy.

  1. Feet should be taken care of if you have diabetes.
  2. Exercise
  3. Quit smoking.
  4. Have healthy meals
  5. Avoid excessive intake of alcohol
  6. Check blood glucose from time to time

The early signs and symptoms of peripheral neuropathy are- itchiness, tingling or needles sensation, burning sensations, sudden electric shock, intermittent muscle spasms, hypersensitivity to touch and temperature and restless leg syndrome.

The food stuffs like gluten, alcohol, sugars, refined grains, saturated fats, Trans fats, salty snacks, heavy metals, pesticides, beverages, packaged food, etc. must be avoided.

Yes. Peripheral neuropathy is the result of vitiation of vata dosha that involves pain, tingling and paranesthesia symptoms. The burning sensation in peripheral neuropathy is induced by vitiation of pitta dosha. Thus, the therapies and herbal formulations that help to pacify the effects of vata and pitta dosha are used in peripheral neuropathy.

Ayurveda can help nerve damage. Diseases of the nervous system are called Vatavyadhi in Sanskrit. As the name implies, these are Vata Doshas obstacles, and therapies that involve pacifying the effects of vata dosha are employed in nerve damage disorders.

The herbs like ashwagandha, brahmi, shatavari, licorice, neem, manjistha, amala, and haritaki are best for nerve damaged conditions.

Ayurveda believes in rectifying the root cause of disease and here it is vitiation of doshas. The target of treatment for Peripheral Neuropathy in Ayurveda is to stop the further decay of myelin sheath and to help the myelin sheath reconstruction. This is done by first eliminating all the toxins at cellular level from the body via panchakarma procedures. Further Ayurvedic formulations are provided to stabilize the doshas. Moreover, stress also plays a major role during Ayurvedic treatments, which is cured by yoga and meditation.

According to Ayurveda, Peripheral Neuropathy is caused due to vitiation of Vata Dosha. This suggests two conditions; either there is excess of Vata dosha or depressed Vata dosha. So, either the Vata accumulates or stops the movement which hampers the signaling of neurons. So, if Vata is depressed, the person is unable to feel any touch nor is able to reflect on their actions. Similarly, when Vata dosha is in excess, there is overexpression of any senses. This leads to Peripheral Neuropathy.

If you cannot find the answer to your question, please get in touch with us at +91 8884722246 for expert advise,
or email us at care@eliteayurveda.com

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