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Effectively Heal Fibromyalgia

Why EliteAyurveda

How are we able to Treat Fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia is a chronic condition in which a person experiences extensive muscle and joint pain. It causes musculoskeletal pain, tenderness, headaches, dry eyes, rash, itching, bladder problems, general fatigue, sleep and cognitive disturbances. It can be challenging to treat as the exact cause of Fibromyalgia is not known.

An imbalance in Vata dosha causes Fibromyalgia. When Vata dosha is out of balance, the Pitta (metabolism) and Kapha (immunity) are also out of balance. The main pathogenic factors are initiated by accumulation of Ama due to disturbance in Vata Dosha. These toxins accumulate due to consumption of improper diet. When Ama gets accumulated, they block channels and cause tenderness, pain and hypersensitivity in muscles and joints. This can trigger stress and further cause mental disturbances along with existing physical alignments.

The main line of treatment for Fibromyalgia is by detoxifying the channels within the body. For this, panchakarma procedures are operated that are helpful in eliminating the toxins from the body. Further, internal medications are also provided to balance the vitiated doshas and external application of herbs is given to ease out the toxins in the channels, as they become easy to eliminate.

Our Fibromyalgia
Treatment Highlights

Understand the Approach that Makes Us the Most Successful Ayurveda Center for Fibromyalgia Treatment

We strive to enhance the quality of medicines to give you the holistic benefit of latest in treatment knowledge and optimally potent herbal medicines.

Best Treatments

Effectively Treat Fibromyalgia With a Lasting Remission Phase. With Visible Results in 30 Days

Awarded Ayurveda Centre in India

Accredited Member of National Psoriasis Foundation® & Awarded Clinic For "Best Ayurveda Centre For Skin & Endocrine Treatments In India"

Research & Development

Continous research and development for more precise treatment techniques as well as herbal medicines for both Prevention & Cure

Best Ayurveda Doctors Worldwide

Well Known Figures like Dr. Adil Moulanchikkal & Dr. Soumya Hullannavar in Ayurveda Fraternity as part of our Lead Specialists Panel

Our Success in Numbers!


Patients Treated

Among World's leading experts on Ayurveda treatment with over 28k+ patients treated worldwide


Years Experience

Our doctors have combined treatment experience that surpasses 30+ Years


Success Rate

With Lasting Remission Phase & Visible Results in 20 Days

With you,
throughout your treatment journey


Easy Appointments avaliable Online & Offline with the Best Ayurveda Experts in India


Evidence-based Approach for Progressive Health with Dedicated 1:1 Support


Medicines Delivered to your door-step Worldwide Hassle-Free


Structured, AYUSH Vetted Root Level Treatments for Rebalanced Cellular & Metabolic Conditioning


Personalised for Changes on a Deeper Level that will have a Long-Lasting Impact on your Health

Fibromyalgia Treatment, Naturally -

Every person is unique, hence treatment for the person’s disease must be unique too.
No Over-The-Counter Medication. Unique Customised Proprietary Herbal Medicines

Root Cause Treatment

“The ayurvedic approach of disease looks for the root cause and not merely the symptoms. The basic principles of Ayurveda consider an individual human a specific identity and hence his treatment giving importance to the treatment of the patient rather than the treatment of the disease.”

Wisdom of Ayurveda

“Since Ayurveda focuses on the root-cause of the disease, it effectively reduces the risk of severe health complications arising out of the untreated underlying cause. Patients who complete their Ayurveda treatment have a reduced risk of health complications later.”

More Than Just Medicines

"Heal your body naturally with 5000-year-old knowledge of Ayurveda and Modern Science. From its authenticity, structured approach and personalisation play a very important role in complementing the effect of medicines as well as sustaining the benefit of treatment after the medicines have ended."

Understand how we can help you with Fibromyalgia


The persistent pain and tenderness associated with the fibromyalgia illness can be caused by a variety of reasons. These variables aren't always the same for each person. However, according to Ayurveda, the fundamental causes of Fibromyalgia are the aggravation of Vata dosha (owing to margavarodha) and the buildup of Ama (toxins).
Vatavyadhi (diseases produced mostly by vitiated Vata Dosha) is a subtype of disease described in Ayurveda. Vatavyadhi is a chronic, unpredictable, and difficult-to-cure condition that affects primarily the musculoskeletal and neurological systems, but can also impact one or more additional tissues over time. It manifests with a variety of probable and changing symptoms and indications, including pain, stiffness, contracture, weariness, progressive loss of mobility, and mental disorder, according to ancient scriptures. This description is quite similar to the contemporary fibromyalgia diagnosis.

Types of fibromyalgia

  1. Widespread Muscle Pain: In this condition, a persons’ lower back hurts which may spread into the buttocks and legs. A person may also feel pain in shoulders, neck, breast bone, rib cage, etc.
  2. TMJ pain: TMJ means Temporomandibular joint, which connects the skull on either side of the face. This pain is persistent that affects the ear, temple, eyes, lower jaw or neck.
  3. Allodynia: Allodynia is a type of skin pain in which even the tiniest contact causes discomfort. Mild garment pressure, such as from a waistline or a bra strap, might be uncomfortable. Allodynia is caused by central sensitization. The brain, nerves, and spinal cord overreact to experiences in this way.
  4. Neuropathic pain: In the arms and legs, neuropathic pain creates strange sensations such as crawling, tingling, burning, itching, or numbness. These feelings can be uncomfortable in severe circumstances.
  5. Headaches: Tension headaches are characterized by a dull, tightening pressure sensation that spreads throughout the head. They are inconvenient and irritating, but they are not incapacitating. Migraines are more painful than headaches. They usually only affect one side of the brain and are linked to light and sound sensitivity.


The pathogenesis begins in the gastrointestinal tract (anna vaha srota) and then spreads out through the madhyama rogamarga, the disease's intermediate channels, with a special affinity for shleshma sthana, particularly muscular tissues (mamsa dhatu) and their accompanying channels. A distinct aspect of the condition is the inability to tolerate even light touch in the muscles (sparshasahyata). Malaise, anorexia, heaviness of the body, nausea, and intermittent fever are symptoms that cause patients to become disabled over time.
Due to its intricacy, fibromyalgia has proven to be a challenging disorder to manage. However, at Elite, we provide a successful therapy for Fibromyalgia. At Elite, fibromyalgia, which is predominantly a vatavyadhi condition, is treated by focusing on both Vta samshamana (re-balancing) and samshodhana (purification), which get disturbed owing to ama buildup (toxins). A mix of Panchakarma treatments, studied internal medications, stringent Diet & Lifestyle adjustments, and stress management are used in our therapy for Fibromyalgia.

Frequently Asked Questions

Our Treatment is a unique customised program. Here are some of the most common questions
patients ask about the program.

Fibromyalgia is a chronic condition in which a person experiences extensive muscle and joint pain. It causes musculoskeletal pain, tenderness, headaches, dry eyes, rash, itching, bladder problems, general fatigue, sleep and cognitive disturbances.

The causes of fibromyalgia are genetics, infections, physical events like accidents, and mental conditions like stress, hormonal imbalances, improper diet, schedules changes, intake of certain medications and drugs, etc.

The symptoms of fibromyalgia are- fatigue, lack of energy, trouble in sleeping, anxiety, depression, memory loss, headaches, muscle twitching, numbness in hands and feet, etc.

The main risk of leaving fibromyalgia untreated is that symptoms such as chronic pain, malaise, headache, and depression can become unbearably worse over time. Fibromyalgia also has a major impact on mental health. If fibromyalgia is not treated, anxiety and mood disorders can also be exacerbated.

First, Ayurveda counts fibromyalgia as an imbalance rather than a disease. Imbalance means a disorder of energy in the body and mind. Ayurveda gives hope to patients with fibromyalgia. This shows that symptoms are treatable and manageable in Ayurvedic treatments, diets and lifestyles.

Fibromyalgia is an imbalance in vata dosha that underpins nervous system instability and inactivity.

An imbalance in Vata dosha causes Fibromyalgia. When Vata dosha is out of balance, the Pitta (metabolism) and Kapha (immunity) are also out of balance. The main pathogenic factors are initiated by accumulation of Ama due to disturbance in Vata Dosha. These toxins accumulate due to consumption of improper diet. When Ama gets accumulated, they block channels and cause tenderness, pain and hypersensitivity in muscles and joints. This can trigger stress and further cause mental disturbances along with existing physical alignments.

The main line of treatment for Fibromyalgia is by detoxifying the channels within the body. For this, panchakarma procedures are operated that are helpful in eliminating the toxins from the body. Further, internal medications are also provided to balance the vitiated doshas and external application of herbs is given to ease out the toxins in the channels, as they become easy to eliminate.

Fibromyalgia is a neurological disorder as it is a disorder of central nervous system

The herbs like Echinacea, black cohosh, cayenne, lavender, milk thistle and vitamin B are useful in fibromyalgia.

If you cannot find the answer to your question, please get in touch with us at +91 8884722246 for expert advise,
or email us at care@eliteayurveda.com

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